Source code for langchain.agents.agent_toolkits.vectorstore.toolkit

"""Toolkit for interacting with a vector store."""

from typing import List

from langchain_core.language_models import BaseLanguageModel
from langchain_core.pydantic_v1 import BaseModel, Field
from import BaseTool
from import BaseToolkit
from langchain_core.vectorstores import VectorStore

[docs] class VectorStoreInfo(BaseModel): """Information about a VectorStore.""" vectorstore: VectorStore = Field(exclude=True) name: str description: str class Config: """Configuration for this pydantic object.""" arbitrary_types_allowed = True
[docs] class VectorStoreToolkit(BaseToolkit): """Toolkit for interacting with a Vector Store.""" vectorstore_info: VectorStoreInfo = Field(exclude=True) llm: BaseLanguageModel class Config: """Configuration for this pydantic object.""" arbitrary_types_allowed = True
[docs] def get_tools(self) -> List[BaseTool]: """Get the tools in the toolkit.""" try: from import ( VectorStoreQATool, VectorStoreQAWithSourcesTool, ) except ImportError: raise ImportError( "You need to install langchain-community to use this toolkit." ) description = VectorStoreQATool.get_description(, self.vectorstore_info.description ) qa_tool = VectorStoreQATool(, description=description, vectorstore=self.vectorstore_info.vectorstore, llm=self.llm, ) description = VectorStoreQAWithSourcesTool.get_description(, self.vectorstore_info.description ) qa_with_sources_tool = VectorStoreQAWithSourcesTool( name=f"{}_with_sources", description=description, vectorstore=self.vectorstore_info.vectorstore, llm=self.llm, ) return [qa_tool, qa_with_sources_tool]
[docs] class VectorStoreRouterToolkit(BaseToolkit): """Toolkit for routing between Vector Stores.""" vectorstores: List[VectorStoreInfo] = Field(exclude=True) llm: BaseLanguageModel class Config: """Configuration for this pydantic object.""" arbitrary_types_allowed = True
[docs] def get_tools(self) -> List[BaseTool]: """Get the tools in the toolkit.""" tools: List[BaseTool] = [] try: from import ( VectorStoreQATool, ) except ImportError: raise ImportError( "You need to install langchain-community to use this toolkit." ) for vectorstore_info in self.vectorstores: description = VectorStoreQATool.get_description(, vectorstore_info.description ) qa_tool = VectorStoreQATool(, description=description, vectorstore=vectorstore_info.vectorstore, llm=self.llm, ) tools.append(qa_tool) return tools