"""Unstructured document loader."""
from __future__ import annotations
import json
import logging
import os
from pathlib import Path
from typing import IO, Any, Callable, Iterator, Optional, cast
from langchain_core.document_loaders.base import BaseLoader
from langchain_core.documents import Document
from typing_extensions import TypeAlias
from unstructured_client import UnstructuredClient # type: ignore
from unstructured_client.models import operations, shared # type: ignore
Element: TypeAlias = Any
logger = logging.getLogger(__file__)
_DEFAULT_URL = "https://api.unstructuredapp.io/general/v0/general"
class UnstructuredLoader(BaseLoader):
"""Unstructured document loader interface.
Partition and load files using either the `unstructured-client` sdk and the
Unstructured API or locally using the `unstructured` library.
This package is configured to work with the Unstructured API by default.
To use the Unstructured API, set
`partition_via_api=True` and define `api_key`. If you are running the unstructured
API locally, you can change the API rule by defining `url` when you initialize the
loader. The hosted Unstructured API requires an API key. See the links below to
learn more about our API offerings and get an API key.
To partition files locally, you must have the `unstructured` package installed.
You can install it with `pip install unstructured`.
By default the file loader uses the Unstructured `partition` function and will
automatically detect the file type.
In addition to document specific partition parameters, Unstructured has a rich set
of "chunking" parameters for post-processing elements into more useful text segments
for uses cases such as Retrieval Augmented Generation (RAG). You can pass additional
Unstructured kwargs to the loader to configure different unstructured settings.
.. code-block:: bash
pip install -U langchain-unstructured
export UNSTRUCTURED_API_KEY="your-api-key"
.. code-block:: python
from langchain_unstructured import UnstructuredLoader
loader = UnstructuredLoader(
file_path = ["example.pdf", "fake.pdf"],
.. code-block:: python
docs = loader.load()
def __init__(
file_path: Optional[str | Path | list[str] | list[Path]] = None,
file: Optional[IO[bytes] | list[IO[bytes]]] = None,
partition_via_api: bool = False,
post_processors: Optional[list[Callable[[str], str]]] = None,
# SDK parameters
api_key: Optional[str] = None,
client: Optional[UnstructuredClient] = None,
url: Optional[str] = None,
**kwargs: Any,
"""Initialize loader."""
if file_path is not None and file is not None:
raise ValueError("file_path and file cannot be defined simultaneously.")
if client is not None:
disallowed_params = [("api_key", api_key), ("url", url)]
bad_params = [
param for param, value in disallowed_params if value is not None
if bad_params:
raise ValueError(
"if you are passing a custom `client`, you cannot also pass these "
f"params: {', '.join(bad_params)}."
unstructured_api_key = api_key or os.getenv("UNSTRUCTURED_API_KEY") or ""
unstructured_url = url or os.getenv("UNSTRUCTURED_URL") or _DEFAULT_URL
self.client = client or UnstructuredClient(
api_key_auth=unstructured_api_key, server_url=unstructured_url
self.file_path = file_path
self.file = file
self.partition_via_api = partition_via_api
self.post_processors = post_processors
self.unstructured_kwargs = kwargs
def lazy_load(self) -> Iterator[Document]:
"""Load file(s) to the _UnstructuredBaseLoader."""
def load_file(
f: Optional[IO[bytes]] = None, f_path: Optional[str | Path] = None
) -> Iterator[Document]:
"""Load an individual file to the _UnstructuredBaseLoader."""
return _SingleDocumentLoader(
# SDK parameters
if isinstance(self.file, list):
for f in self.file:
yield from load_file(f=f)
if isinstance(self.file_path, list):
for f_path in self.file_path:
yield from load_file(f_path=f_path)
# Call _UnstructuredBaseLoader normally since file and file_path are not lists
yield from load_file(f=self.file, f_path=self.file_path)
class _SingleDocumentLoader(BaseLoader):
"""Provides loader functionality for individual document/file objects.
Encapsulates partitioning individual file objects (file or file_path) either
locally or via the Unstructured API.
def __init__(
file_path: Optional[str | Path] = None,
client: UnstructuredClient,
file: Optional[IO[bytes]] = None,
partition_via_api: bool = False,
post_processors: Optional[list[Callable[[str], str]]] = None,
**kwargs: Any,
"""Initialize loader."""
self.file_path = str(file_path) if isinstance(file_path, Path) else file_path
self.file = file
self.partition_via_api = partition_via_api
self.post_processors = post_processors
# SDK parameters
self.client = client
self.unstructured_kwargs = kwargs
def lazy_load(self) -> Iterator[Document]:
"""Load file."""
elements_json = (
if self.post_processors
else self._elements_json
for element in elements_json:
metadata = self._get_metadata()
metadata.update(element.get("metadata")) # type: ignore
{"category": element.get("category") or element.get("type")}
metadata.update({"element_id": element.get("element_id")})
yield Document(
page_content=cast(str, element.get("text")), metadata=metadata
def _elements_json(self) -> list[dict[str, Any]]:
"""Get elements as a list of dictionaries from local partition or via API."""
if self.partition_via_api:
return self._elements_via_api
return self._convert_elements_to_dicts(self._elements_via_local)
def _elements_via_local(self) -> list[Element]:
from unstructured.partition.auto import partition # type: ignore
except ImportError:
raise ImportError(
"unstructured package not found, please install it with "
"`pip install unstructured`"
if self.file and self.unstructured_kwargs.get("metadata_filename") is None:
raise ValueError(
"If partitioning a fileIO object, metadata_filename must be specified"
" as well.",
return partition(
file=self.file, filename=self.file_path, **self.unstructured_kwargs
) # type: ignore
def _elements_via_api(self) -> list[dict[str, Any]]:
"""Retrieve a list of element dicts from the API using the SDK client."""
client = self.client
req = self._sdk_partition_request
response = client.general.partition(req) # type: ignore
if response.status_code == 200:
return json.loads(response.raw_response.text)
raise ValueError(
f"Receive unexpected status code {response.status_code} from the API.",
def _file_content(self) -> bytes:
"""Get content from either file or file_path."""
if self.file is not None:
return self.file.read()
elif self.file_path:
with open(self.file_path, "rb") as f:
return f.read()
raise ValueError("file or file_path must be defined.")
def _sdk_partition_request(self) -> operations.PartitionRequest:
return operations.PartitionRequest(
content=self._file_content, file_name=str(self.file_path)
def _convert_elements_to_dicts(
self, elements: list[Element]
) -> list[dict[str, Any]]:
return [element.to_dict() for element in elements]
def _get_metadata(self) -> dict[str, Any]:
"""Get file_path metadata if available."""
return {"source": self.file_path} if self.file_path else {}
def _post_process_elements_json(
self, elements_json: list[dict[str, Any]]
) -> list[dict[str, Any]]:
"""Apply post processing functions to extracted unstructured elements.
Post processing functions are str -> str callables passed
in using the post_processors kwarg when the loader is instantiated.
if self.post_processors:
for element in elements_json:
for post_processor in self.post_processors:
element["text"] = post_processor(str(element.get("text")))
return elements_json